Thursday, January 28, 2010

New work

I've been so consumed with designing my products that all
other illustration has fallen by the wayside.
So, on with some new projects.

First up is a series of illustrations that document food
from the farm to the table (and some bits in between).
I've started with this one and thought I'd show the 2 stages I work in.
I love the versatility of the computer allowing you to experiment
without having to stop and start again - it's all about the layers.
The drawing evolved into overlapping colors which I feel
conjure up the hues of sweet heirloom tomatoes.



Stay tuned for more in this series and some bigger exciting
projects around the corner.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Gwen Keraval

What a blustery, rainy but warm Monday morning in Brooklyn.
I like days like these as they force me to stay indoors and get on with
projects I keep delaying like sorting out my studio.

But first, on my morning blog browse I came across Gwen Keraval
on Illustration Mundo. How I have never seen his work before baffles me.
He's based out of Lyon, France but travels with his work.
His sense of color and composition is truly magnificent. I love all his
children's book work and it reiterates for me what wonderful
children's illustration comes out of French publishing.
Enjoy his work.








Friday, January 22, 2010

Milo's New Tooth Fairy Pillow

I just had to write about this today as I think it's adorable and every child
losing teeth should have one. My friend Vilasinee came round the
other night with this for Milo and his face lit up.

It's made from recycled denim, has his name stitched on and is
stuffed with buckwheat.
It has a little card for each tooth that he loses which he fill in stating
the specific tooth and date lost.
If anyone is interested in ordering one Vilasinee is available to make custom
orders so contact me.



Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thanks to the kitchn (apartment therapy) for featuring
my calendar.

January's Next Seasonal Recipe

moist honey pears

Moist Honey Pears

What could be better on cold, wintery days than a dessert that works as medicine? This simplified version of a traditional Chinese remedy helps to
alleviate coughs and scratchy throats.
The healing properties of pears (associated with the lungs) combined with
the steaming process cools heat conditions, eliminates excess mucus,
and relieves dryness.
Because honey and lemons are added after the cooking process,
the enzymes of these two expectorants add additional
health benefits to this dish.

2 Bosc pears
1 tbsp raw honey
1/2 lemon, juiced

* Prepare saucepan or wok with steaming rack.
* Wash and cut pears into quarters.
Cut out seeds by taking a triangular notch from the center of the pear.

* Steam for 15-30 minutes depending on the ripeness of the pear.
Ripe pears require less cooking. Steam until tender.

* In a mixing bowl, combine honey with the juice of the lemon.
* Add steamed pears and toss.
* Serve warm.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Thanks Decor8

Thank you Holly for including me in your
Etsy Take Five Tuesday.
I always look forward to checking it out every week
and happy to be part of it.

Stay tuned for our next January seasonal recipe on Thursday.
It promises to be delicious.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Today my son Milo and I sat down and drew together.
Enjoy today and back with more tomorrow.



Friday, January 15, 2010

Thank You for the Support

Yesterday I began a fund raiser for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti.
Thanks goes out to the following for posting about this; let's continue
to spread the word and raise some money.
paper hound
oh so beautiful paper

If I've missed any please comment below and let me know.
Thank you.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Following the devastation in Haiti on Tuesday I'm sure we've all
been bombarded with images that have stirred us and made
us question what we could do to help.

According to CNN today they don't need aid in the form of
clothes and food right now but money is what's going to help.
Feeling somewhat powerless I decided to turn my 2 new Valentine
prints into a fundraiser for the organization Yele Haiti.

25% of all sales will be donated so please spread this around
and help in some small way. To purchase please go here.
Thank you.

love vase


Monday, January 11, 2010


Thank you everyone who entered the January give away and congratulations
to Amy for winning the 2010 Buy Local Calendar.

I'm busy this week working on some new prints and cards for Valentine's Day.
All will be revealed on Friday.

And next week my posts about other illustrators and designers will resume.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

January's First Seasonal Recipe

I'm excited today to launch the first of a whole year's worth of
simple, seasonal recipes. This first one by chef Sung Uni Lee
promises to tickle your taste buds.

Jan fuchsia mash

Fuchsia Mash

This bright side dish is great for adding visual zest, sweet flavor,
and additional vitamins and fiber to a favorite staple.
By adding a healthy dose of savory herbs, this mash of root vegetables
has a memorable flavor. Pair with green vegetables and
legumes to contrast the visual effect of the dish. Servings: 8

Smaller recipe:
3 red potatoes, large chunks
1 medium beet, small dice
water to cover
1 tbsp olive oil
3 tbsp plain yogurt
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 tsp dill, rosemary, sage
pine nuts (optional)

  • Prepare root vegetables as suggested, as beets take more time to cook.
  • In a large saucepan, add enough water to cover and boil with lid for 20-30 minutes until veggies are soft.
  • Strain extra liquid, set aside.
  • Add remaining ingredients and and use masher or large wooden spoon to mash potatoes & beets, leaving the texture somewhat chunky.
  • Add reserve liquid if necessary.

Monday, January 4, 2010

NY 2010

I can't believe it's 2010 but I feel really optimistic and keen to start this year.

I delayed my January 1st give away knowing that most of us were probably
recovering and laying low so here we go.

To begin the year I'd like to offer my Buy Local Calendar. All you have to do is
post a comment below on which your favorite month of the year is for local
produce and the winner will be picked one week from today.
